
The 19th edition of the Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean will take place in the State of San Marino between the 13th of May until the 31st of October 2021, under the title School of Waters, as proposed by the participants of the third edition of A Natural Oasis? A Transnational Research Programme (2018-2020) and will comprise of exhibition, film, performance, research and educational programs.

Mediterranea 19 – School of Waters imagines a biennale as a temporary school inspired by radical and experimental pedagogies and the way they challenge artistic, curatorial, and research formats. From this standpoint, School of Waters acts as a collective tool to defamiliarise stereotypes that manipulate our geographical imaginaries, especially those linked to the eurocentric interpretation of the Mediterranean area.

School of Waters revolves around a critical rethinking of the material and symbolic agency of waters from a geopolitical and deep-ecology perspective. The desire to learn from waters reveals ways to un-train nationalisms and rediscover watery syncretism that constituted the Mediterranean as a complex platform of life forms and knowing processes. The curatorial team develops Mediterranea 19 as an ecology of practices, trickling through various spaces in resonance with the specificity of a small state such as the Republic of San Marino.

Noor Abed, Adrian Abela, Noor Abuarafeh, Altalena, Marco Antelmi, Panos Aprahamian, Bora Baboci, Riccardo Badano & Hanna Rullmann, Hanan Benammar, Yesmine Ben Khelil, Maeve Brennan, Johanna Bruckner, Madison Bycroft, Annalisa Cannito, Valerio Conti, Selin Davasse, Binta Diaw, Adji Dieye, Enar de Dios Rodríguez, Caterina De Nicola, Marianne Fahmy, Alessandra Ferrini, Enrico Floriddia, Victor Fotso Nyie, Haris Giannouras, Marco Giordano, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Bianca Hisse, Huniti Goldox, Areej Huniti & Eliza Goldox, KABUL magazine, Valentina Karga, Dalia Khalife, Ru Kim, Gašper Kunšič, Latent Community, Sotiris Tsiganos & Ionian Bisai, Vesna Liponik, DDC | Design di Comunità, Filippo Marzocchi, Corinne Mazzoli, Dina Mimi, Tawfik Naas, Eleni Odysseos, Francis Offman, Mila Panić, Eva Papamargariti, GianMarco Porru, Gabriele Rendina Cattani, Jacopo Rinaldi, Virginia Russolo, Pablo Sandoval, Michele Seffino, Selma Selman, Vanja Smiljanić, Alcaeus Spyrou, Chara Stergiou, Valinia Svoronou, Theo Triantafyllidis, Endi Tupja, Sophie Utikal, Marina Xenofontos.

Senior Curators: Alessandro Castiglioni, Simone Frangi
Curatorial Board:  Denise AraouzouGiulia Colletti,  Panos Giannikopoulos,  Giulia Gregnanin,  Theodoulos Polyviou, Angeliki Tzortzakaki, Nicolas Vamvouklis

book published by Archive Books (Berlin), can be ordered here.